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作者:Tony J.12年级
I have had the privilege to serve as a prefect in our beloved college for two years. Even now, I still recall the words I wrote in my letter of application for this job. I promised my service with full heart and dedication to Stanstead.
Now, after two years bearing the prefect tie, I have a better understanding for the word “service.” For the ardent grade 10s and 11s who aspire to earn the same tie in the coming months, 或者为在座的每一个人, 学会服务的意识是无价的, 或者更简单地说, 帮助不是你自己的人.  
我不信教. 然而, 在今年每场冰球比赛之前, I always help pick up at least one puck when my team’s warmup finishes. I believe that if I offer my service to my team by even a small contribution before the game starts, 我们运气会好一些,走W路. And somehow, I think we’ve only lost two games this season when I’ve helped pick up the pucks.
我们说的不是巫毒魔法. It’s having faith that my action of service will be fruitful, 在某种程度上有助于实现我的目标, 谁赢了这场比赛. 随着赛季的进行,这个信念给了我一种责任感, 以这种方式为团队服务,我感到很快乐, no matter whether it’s picking up pucks in a game situation or after simple practices. Maybe it does contribute to our success after all because the faster pucks are collected, 我们就能越快进入游戏状态.
The duty is always there, ladies and gentlemen, the decision to offer your service belongs to you.  
我知道我们还在上高中, but this awareness to serve for a greater good is accumulated throughout your everyday life. It is undeniable that people inherently work for their own interest, but let’s not kid ourselves here: I have seen people here offering their selfless service all the time.
So maybe for one moment, start serving someone other than you. Their gratitude will make you will feel a sense of accomplishment, especially if you crave to become prefect next year or in the future.  
And lastly, for my own dear team, next year, please bring water bottles. 这是服务团队和你自己的最有效的方式.  
